What is the flow of a dentist visit?
Generally speaking, our consultation process is divided into 5 parts:
01. Appointment - patients can make appointments with us by phone, WhatApps message, social media or email.
02. Registration - on the appointment day, the nurses in our clinic would register for the patients. In addition to general information, patients’ medical histories, dental histories, certain social histories and eating habits may also be recorded.
03. Oral examination - our dentists conduct professional examination and investigation for patients to find out the root causes of their problems.
04. Treatment - our dentists formulate the most suitable treatment plans for patients, and then proceed to deliver the treatments after detailed explanations.
05. Follow-up - after the treatments, our dentists would regularly review the oral condition of the patients, and our nurses may recall the patients to ask for updates condition. -
What are the treatment fees at ProSmile Dental Care?
The complexity, treatment time and material costs of different dental treatments are various, hence there are price differences between them.
Price lists are posted in ProSmile Dental’s clinics, which provides the range of charges for different treatments for patients’ reference.
In addition, before any treatment, our staff would make sure that patients fully understand the details and fees of the treatments. Patients have the right to accept or refuse any treatment.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the treatment fees. -
What payment methods can I use? Can I use Consumption Voucher?
We accept cash, credit cards (Visa, Master, UnionPay and AE), cheques, Consumption Voucher (via Alipay, Wechat, Octopus and Tap & Go), Health Care Voucher and Elderly Community Care Fund (Consumption Vouchers are welcome).
How long do I need to wait for the dental appointment?
We try our best to arrange dental appointments for our patients as earliest as possible.
Generally speaking, the waiting time varies from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the circumstances.
On the other hand, on the day of consultation, we also try our best to ensure thatpatients can be seen on time. We suggest making an appointment in advance to confirm the consultation time.
For same-day or walk-in consultation, the waiting time on the day may be longer.
Of course, in case of emergencies, emergency appointments would be arranged as soon as possible to those patients in need. -
What is ProSmile Orthodontics Information Day?
We organize family orthodontics information days (Mongkok and Tai Po clinics) from time to time, which are suitable for people who have any questions about orthodontic treatment or interested in starting one.
On the day, our dentist will conduct a detailed oral examination, preliminarily formulate an orthodontic treatment plan, analyze it in detail with you, and answer all questions about the orthodontic treatment.
Anyone interested is welcome to make an appointment for attending the OrthodonticsConsultation Day.
Flow of the Day
01. Your teeth and gingiva will be scanned to get the digital 3D images.
02. panoramic and a cephalometric X-ray will be taken so the dentist can examine the conditions of your teeth and alveolar bone clearly.
03. Photos will be taken to record the appearance of your teeth and face.
04. After obtaining all the records, our dentist will check your oral cavity and analyze all the information obtained.
05. Our dentist will formulate a preliminary treatment plan and discuss the plan with you.
06. After the consultation, if you wish to proceed with the orthodontic treatment, we will send all your records to Invisalign in the USA to create a ClinCheck plan for you.
07. When the ClinCheck plan is ready, our dentists will explain the whole orthodontic treatment process and confirm the plan with you.
08. After confirming the Clincheck plan, your aligners will be made and sent to the dentist in batch. Then your orthodontic journey can be started -
Is dental X-ray safe?
The dosage of radiation in Dental X-ray is extremely low, the lowest of all kinds of medical radiation.
The radiation dose absorbed by a passenger during a 10-hour air flight is about 4 times more than taking a panoramic X-ray or 18 times more than taking a periapical X-ray.
It can be said that under normal use, dental X-rays are safe and reliable for both children or adults.
許多人都害怕去見牙醫,所謂「牙痛慘過大病」,但是有問題就一定要搵牙醫檢查清楚。現在口腔掃描檢查檢查已越來越普及。究竟這是是甚麼呢?有甚麼用處?可以怎樣幫到病人?今日我們就來一起探討一下。 1.甚麼是口腔掃描檢查呢? 口腔檢查其實就是利用數碼立體口腔掃描機做口腔掃描。口腔掃描是透過光學掃描頭用白光或紅光掃描牙齒和口腔組織,快速取得牙齒的數碼影像。再應用軟件建立牙齒模型。醫生同病人是可以即時在電腦上查看整個口腔的立體影像,方便牙科醫生與病人講解和制定治療計劃,亦可以記錄病人的口腔情況。 隨着科技的進步,新一代的口腔掃描機已加入很多有用的功能,例如利用近紅外線探測早期蛀牙、口內高清拍照、模擬同比較牙齒治療前同治療後的分別、監察治療進度等等。2. 口腔掃描檢查儀器可以檢查哪一類口腔疾病? 做了口腔掃描之後,醫生和病人就可以即時在電腦上看到完整的數碼影像。影像可以在電腦軟體上隨意旋轉、縮放,方便醫生於查看牙齒情況。 一般嘅口腔問題,例如牙齒排列不正、磨耗、有裂痕、牙肉退縮等都可以檢測得到。 尤其係早期嘅蛀牙,有蛀牙的地方牙齒的法瑯質密度會改變,掃描機發出的近紅外線的折射路徑同比率會有所不同,產 生的影像比正常影像會有分別,那樣就可以幫助醫生診斷和監察早期蛀牙的變化。3.對比傳統的口腔檢查方去,口腔掃描檢查有何分別呢? 一般傳統口腔檢查,通常包括牙科醫生臨床時用眼睛去觀察口腔情況,用探針去檢查牙齒的質感、牙肉出血情況和牙周袋分佈等等。醫生亦會檢查牙齒是否有鬆動,受特定刺激的情況下牙齒會否有特別的感覺等等;另外,亦都可能要利用x光甚至電腦掃描去檢測牙腳、顎骨與周邊結構的情況。綜合以上大量的資料之後,醫生才可以作出準確嘅診斷。 口腔掃描的影像不能夠提供到牙齒質感、鬆動程度和牙骨情況等資料,所以是不可以取代傳統檢查。不過,口腔掃描可以作為輔助檢測,提高診斷嘅準確度。4.口腔掃描怎樣幫到病人的口腔健康? 口腔掃描的影像,可以幫助醫生為病人做診斷。除此之外,它亦是一個非常有用的醫療記錄;透過比較不同時間的掃描影像,牙科醫生可以具體地比較長者口腔健康的變化和牙患的活躍程度,從而盡早找出原因,並且提供適當的建議和治療。5. 除咗幫到病人的口腔健康,口腔掃描還有甚麼其他用處? 除左幫助醫生做診斷和做記錄之外,口腔掃描還有其他功能。例如,長者們有時會有缺牙的情況,牙科醫生可以利用數碼設計軟件,根據長者的口腔情況和咬合位置設計合適的假牙,並且可以準確模擬出病人的牙齒修復之後的面型及笑容,讓病人更清楚完成治療後的效果。 另外,口腔掃描的數碼影像某程度上是可以取代傳統印牙模。相比傳統印牙模,口腔掃描簡化了整個取模過程、而且提高了準確性,更加可以直接將數碼檔案即時傳送去牙科工場,縮短製作假牙的時間。 長者印模時經常會因為有印模物料放在口中而感到反胃或不適,口腔掃描屬於非侵入性的拍攝技術,可有效改善長者印模過程的舒適度。6. 口腔掃描檢查對比傳統X光片,哪個副作用較低? 口腔掃描儀器的原理是用紅光和白光記錄牙齒和牙肉情況,就好像幫牙齒影相那樣。有一些新式型號更有近紅外線協助探測早期蛀牙。經過驗證不會好似X光那樣含有有害輻射,所以大家不用洗擔心。7. 口腔掃描技術如何應用在植牙和箍牙治療呢? 植牙方面利用口腔掃描影像,再配合3G立體錐形束C電腦掃描數碼圖像,可清晰呈現病人牙齒排列和咬合情況,亦可清楚見到病人的顎骨質量和周圍組織的解剖結構圖像,牙醫就可更精確的規劃植牙的位置,植體的大小長度、角度等;以及幫助選擇假牙的設計、物料、美觀程度等等。 另外牙醫可以預先訂造電腦引導手術模板(surgical guide),幫助醫生把預先計劃好的植體準確地放置在病人的牙骨中,有助減少手術期間出現意外的可能性,亦可縮短植入手術所需的時間和。 箍牙方面口腔掃描儀器的功能,對於牙齒矯正治療,是有著顯著而躍進式的改革,大大改善病人的體驗和治療的準確度,它的引進一定程度上也節省了牙科醫生的診療時間,對病人和醫生都有好處。例如:1、矯齒效果模擬器:藉由1200萬筆大數據不僅快速、操作直接,而且視覺效果出色、能夠即時模擬和初步預覽牙齒矯正後的效果。除此之外,最新的IOSimPro功能甚至能把病人正面的相片與模擬矯正後的牙齒相結合,可以讓病人直接看到箍牙前後的正面笑容,幫助病人了解治療的效果。 2、矯齒治療進展評估工具:與特定階段的牙齒模擬影像進行即時對比;方便醫生評估和掌握箍牙治療進度,隨時調整矯治器佩戴進度;使用顏色編碼的牙齒移動表可掌握如何跟蹤每顆牙齒並評估解決方案以實現預期的治療。 3、Timelapse功能:對比患者不同時間的2次掃描,展示牙齒移動的變化。同時可以作為準確的牙齒紀錄。 總括而言,口腔掃描可以幫助醫生提升診斷的準確度、制定治療計劃、減少印模出錯的風險以及有效縮短做假牙所需的時間等,可以說是好處多多。口腔掃描及其他數碼工具,將會是牙科治療的新趨勢。